The Antenna Forum Started on Friday
Many great presenters this year!
The special even station antenna was ready to go early
I would love this set of Antennas
Radiosport had a great display
Mike, AI6UI said Pacificon is a BYOB event
Brian, NT6F doing CW at the NCDXC booth
Nex-Gen was selling DMR hotspots
Palomar Engineering is always a table to visit
Visual candy at the Icom booth
Some nice Icom radios displayed
The ATV guys are always, good to see Joel KD6W fun to visit
N6TB Antennas is a regular
Bob Heil showing his latest goodies
Lido Mounts for mobile and more
The Yaesu FTDX101D connected to an external display
The all new Yaesu FTDX101D
Very cool display on the new Yaesu SDR Radio
FlexRadio came as always, good to visit with them
Elk Log Periodic Antennas
If you ever wondered what is inside the amp...
More of the new Elecraft K4
Scott AF6RT checking out the software he helped write
Really nice Elecraft setup
Always a nice display from Elecraft
Western Case Company always has nice things
More of Western Case Company
The radio from the ship on display
More fo the USS Hornet club
Solar chargers, it was time for me to upgrade
UV flashlight, helps you find all the scary things!
Component Tester, I had to buy one!
Wired Electronics is always a regular stop for me
T-Shirts are a must at any hamfest
Flea market was pretty interesting as usual!
Fleamarket weather was cooperating!
Nice selection of sellers