This Frequency DataBase contains the general Scanner Frequency list for San Mateo County, located in the San Francisco Bay Area. For San Francisco Bay Area Ham Radio Repeaters, please visit the Repeater DataBase of this site.

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LAST UPDATED: 1/30/2024

CityServiceFreq. (MHz)PLModeNeeds Check
AthertonPolice Dispatch489.0875162.2FMN
AthertonFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
AthertonFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
AthertonFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
AthertonFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
AthertonFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
BelmontPolice Dispatch488.4875162.2FMN
BelmontPolice Secondary483.0875162.2FMN
BelmontFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
BelmontFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
BelmontFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
BelmontFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
BelmontFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
BrisbanePolice Dispatch488.3875162.2FMN
BrisbanePublic Works490.8750NoneFMN
BrisbaneFire (North) Dispatch 3154.1000114.8FMN
BrisbaneFire (North) Command 31151.0850123FMN
BrisbaneFire (North) Tactical 35154.0100118.8FMN
BrisbaneFire (North) Tactical 36154.0400162.2FMN
BrisbaneFire (North) Tactical 37155.4000107.2FMN
BroadmoorPolice Dispatch482.5625114.8FMN
BroadmoorPolice Secondary488.4875114.8FMN
BroadmoorFire (North) Dispatch 3154.1000114.8FMN
BroadmoorFire (North) Command 31151.0850123FMN
BroadmoorFire (North) Tactical 35154.0100118.8FMN
BroadmoorFire (North) Tactical 36154.0400162.2FMN
BroadmoorFire (North) Tactical 37155.4000107.2FMN
BurlingamePolice Dispatch489.0875114.8FMN
BurlingamePolice Tactical489.5625114.8FMN
BurlingamePublic Works151.1150100FMN
BurlingameFire (Central) Dispatch 2153.7850156.7FMN
BurlingameFire (Central) Command 21153.9500114.8FMN
BurlingameFire (Central) Tactical 25154.1450118.8FMN
BurlingameFire (Central) Tactical 26153.8300110.9FMN
BurlingameFire (Central) Tactical 27155.7450162.2FMN
ColmaPolice Dispatch490.9125167.9FMN
ColmaFire (North) Dispatch 3154.1000114.8FMN
ColmaFire (North) Command 31151.0850123FMN
ColmaFire (North) Tactical 35154.0100118.8FMN
ColmaFire (North) Tactical 36154.0400162.2FMN
ColmaFire (North) Tactical 37155.4000107.2FMN
ColmaHoly Cross Cemetery Ch1 (MURS 4)154.5700NoneFMN
ColmaHoly Cross Cemetery Ch2 (MURS 5)154.6000NoneFMN
Daly CityPolice Dispatch488.9375162.2FMN
Daly CityPolice Tactical489.6125162.2FMN
Daly CityPublic Works156.1350114.8FMN
Daly CityCow Palacce160.0200NoneFMN
Daly CityWater and Sanitationÿ453.5500118.8FMN
Daly CityFire (North) Dispatch 3154.1000114.8FMN
Daly CityFire (North) Command 31151.0850123FMN
Daly CityFire (North) Tactical 35154.0100118.8FMN
Daly CityFire (North) Tactical 36154.0400162.2FMN
Daly CityFire (North) Tactical 37155.4000107.2FMN
Daly CityKaiser - Security451.3250743 DPLFMN
Daly CityKaiser - Engineering451.4000251 DPLFMN
Daly CityKaiser - Building Operations451.7750432 DPLFMN
Daly CityKaiser - Courier Services452.2750732 DPLFMN
East Palo AltoPolice Dispatch488.3875114.8FMN
East Palo AltoFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
East Palo AltoFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
East Palo AltoFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
East Palo AltoFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
East Palo AltoFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
Foster CityPolice Dispatch488.6125162.2FMN
Foster CityPolice Secondary488.9375114.8FMN
Foster CityFire (Central) Dispatch 2153.7850156.7FMN
Foster CityFire (Central) Command 21153.9500114.8FMN
Foster CityFire (Central) Tactical 25154.1450118.8FMN
Foster CityFire (Central) Tactical 26153.8300110.9FMN
Foster CityFire (Central) Tactical 27155.7450162.2FMN
Half Moon BayPolice Dispatch488.3875173.8FMNYes
Half Moon BayFire (Coast) Dispatch 1B154.3400114.8FMN
Half Moon BayFire (Coast) Command 41155.8950114.8FMN
Half Moon BayFire (Coast) Tactical 45153.8300118.8FMN
Half Moon BayFire (Coast) Tactical 46154.4450110.9FMN
Half Moon BayFire (Coast) Tactical 47155.7450162.2FMN
Half Moon BayHalf Moon Bay (HAF) - ATIS127.2750NoneAM
Half Moon BayHalf Moon Bay (HAF) - CTAF122.8000NoneAM
HillsboroughPolice Dispatch488.3375114.8FMN
HillsboroughPolice Tactical484.8625114.8FMN
HillsboroughFire (Central) Dispatch 2153.7850156.7FMN
HillsboroughFire (Central) Command 21153.9500114.8FMN
HillsboroughFire (Central) Tactical 25154.1450118.8FMN
HillsboroughFire (Central) Tactical 26153.8300110.9FMN
HillsboroughFire (Central) Tactical 27155.7450162.2FMN
HillsboroughPublic Works156.2250114.8FMN
La HondaFire (Coast) Dispatch 1D154.2350114.8FMN
La HondaFire (Coast) Command 41155.8950114.8FMN
La HondaFire (Coast) Tactical 45153.8300118.8FMN
La HondaFire (Coast) Tactical 46154.4450110.9FMN
La HondaFire (Coast) Tactical 47155.7450162.2FMN
Menlo ParkPolice Dispatch488.3375162.2FMN
Menlo ParkFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
Menlo ParkFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
Menlo ParkFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
Menlo ParkFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
Menlo ParkFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
MillbraePolice Dispatch489.1375114.8FMNYes
MillbraePublic Works156.1050173.8FMN
MillbraeMills High School Security466.9875205 DPLFMN
MillbraeMillbrae School District - Taylor MS464.6625131.8FMN
MillbraeFire (Central) Dispatch 2153.7850156.7FMN
MillbraeFire (Central) Command 21153.9500114.8FMN
MillbraeFire (Central) Tactical 25154.1450118.8FMN
MillbraeFire (Central) Tactical 26153.8300110.9FMN
MillbraeFire (Central) Tactical 27155.7450162.2FMN
PacificaPolice Dispatch488.7375162.2FMN
PacificaFire (North) Dispatch 3154.1000114.8FMN
PacificaFire (North) Command 31151.0850123FMN
PacificaFire (North) Tactical 35154.0100118.8FMN
PacificaFire (North) Tactical 36154.0400162.2FMN
PacificaFire (North) Tactical 37155.4000107.2FMN
PescaderoFire (Coast) Dispatch 1E151.0850114.8FMN
PescaderoFire (Coast) Command 41155.8950114.8FMN
PescaderoFire (Coast) Tactical 45153.8300118.8FMN
PescaderoFire (Coast) Tactical 46154.4450110.9FMN
PescaderoFire (Coast) Tactical 47155.7450162.2FMN
Pigeon PointFire (Coast) Dispatch 1C154.1450114.8FMN
Pigeon PointFire (Coast) Command 41155.8950114.8FMN
Pigeon PointFire (Coast) Tactical 45153.8300118.8FMN
Pigeon PointFire (Coast) Tactical 46154.4450110.9FMN
Pigeon PointFire (Coast) Tactical 47155.7450162.2FMN
Portola VelleyFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
Portola VelleyFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
Portola VelleyFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
Portola VelleyFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
Portola VelleyFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
Redwood CityPolice Dispatch483.4125186.2FMN
Redwood CityPolice Secondary488.7875162.2FMN
Redwood CityPolice Tactical484.4875173.8FMN
Redwood CityFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
Redwood CityFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
Redwood CityFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
Redwood CityFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
Redwood CityFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
San BrunoPolice Dispatch490.5375167.9FMN
San BrunoPolice Dispatch (Simulcast)488.7875114.8FMN
San BrunoCapuchino High School Security467.1375205 DPLFMN
San BrunoPublic Works159.8850162.2FMN
San BrunoFire (North) Dispatch 3154.1000114.8FMN
San BrunoFire (North) Command 31151.0850123FMN
San BrunoFire (North) Tactical 35154.0100118.8FMN
San BrunoFire (North) Tactical 36154.0400162.2FMN
San BrunoFire (North) Tactical 37155.4000107.2FMN
San CarlosHiller Aviation Museum464.825082.5FMN
San CarlosSan Carlos Airport (SQL) - Tower VHF119.0000NoneAM
San CarlosSan Carlos Airport (SQL) - Tower UHF326.2000NoneAM
San CarlosSan Carlos Airport (SQL) - Ground121.6000NoneAM
San CarlosSan Carlos Airport (SQL) - ATIS125.9000NoneAM
San CarlosFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
San CarlosFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
San CarlosFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
San CarlosFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
San CarlosFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
San MateoPolice Dispatch488.3125114.8FMN
San MateoPolice Tactical482.9875114.8FMN
San MateoPolice Channel 3482.9125114.8FMN
San MateoFire (Central) Dispatch 2153.7850156.7FMN
San MateoFire (Central) Command 21153.9500114.8FMN
San MateoFire (Central) Tactical 25154.1450118.8FMN
San MateoFire (Central) Tactical 26153.8300110.9FMN
San MateoFire (Central) Tactical 27155.7450162.2FMN
San MateoPublic Works153.9200114.8FMN
San MateoHillsdale Mall - Macy's461.4625NoneFMN
San MateoHillsdale Mall - Nortstrom464.6125NoneFMN
San MateoHillsdale Mall - Security464.8750118.8FMN
South San FranciscoPolice Dispatch488.4625114.8FMN
South San FranciscoPolice Secondary490.5875114.8FMN
South San FranciscoPolice Tactical489.3375114.8FMN
South San FranciscoDistrict Operations464.7000432 DPLFMN
South San FranciscoWestborough Middle462.2375114 DPLFMN
South San FranciscoParkway Heights Middle462.337594.8FMN
South San FranciscoAlta Loma Middle - Security462.937594.8FMN
South San FranciscoEl Camino High - Security464.0375146.2FMN
South San FranciscoSouth San Francisco High - Security464.2375146.2FMN
South San FranciscoFire (North) Dispatch 3154.1000114.8FMN
South San FranciscoFire (North) Command 31151.0850123FMN
South San FranciscoFire (North) Tactical 35154.0100118.8FMN
South San FranciscoFire (North) Tactical 36154.0400162.2FMN
South San FranciscoFire (North) Tactical 37155.4000107.2FMN
South San FranciscoGenentec - Security464.9750203.5FMN
South San FranciscoGenentec - Facilities464.4750223 DPLFMN
South San FranciscoPublic Works859.9375114.8FMN
South San FranciscoPublic Works Secondary857.2125114.8FMN
WoodsideFire (South) Dispatch 1A153.8900114.8FMN
WoodsideFire (South) Command 11154.3700114.8FMN
WoodsideFire (South) Tactical 15154.0400118.8FMN
WoodsideFire (South) Tactical 16154.0100110.9FMN
WoodsideFire (South) Tactical 17155.4000141.3FMN
County WideFire County Command151.4750167.9FMN
County WideCounty Sheriff (Simplex)484.4875114.8FMN
County WideBay Area Rapid Transit (BART)853.5375NoneFMN
Solano CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Turquoise (Mobile)42.0200NoneFMN
Redwood CityCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Amber 2 (Base)42.0800NoneFMN
OaklandCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Bronze (Base)42.1200NoneFMN
Marin CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Violet (Base)42.1600NoneFMN
RegionalCHP Golden Gate Division Blue (Mobile)42.1800NoneFMN
San JoseCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Ruby 2 (Mobile)42.2800NoneFMN
RegionalCHP Golden Gate Division Blue (Base)42.3400NoneFMN
OaklandCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Bronze (Mobile)42.4000NoneFMN
Napa CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Grape 2 (Base)42.4200NoneFMN
San FranciscoCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Pink (Base)42.4400NoneFMN
Santa RosaCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Emerald 4 (Mobile)42.4800NoneFMN
San JoseCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Ruby 2 (Base)42.5000NoneFMN
Solano CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Turquoise (Base)42.6000NoneFMN
HaywardCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Aqua (Base)42.6200NoneFMN
Marin CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Violet (Mobile)42.6400NoneFMN
Napa CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Grape 2 (Mobile)42.6600NoneFMN
Contra Costa CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Maroon (Mobile)42.7400NoneFMN
San FranciscoCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Pink (Mobile)42.7600NoneFMN
DublinCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Khaki 2 (Mobile)42.7800NoneFMN
Redwood CityCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Amber 2 (Mobile)42.8200NoneFMN
HaywardCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Aqua (Mobile)42.8400NoneFMN
Contra Costa CountyCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Maroon (Base)42.9200NoneFMN
Santa RosaCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Emerald 4 (Base)44.8000NoneFMN
DublinCHP Golden Gate Dispatch Khaki 2 (Base)44.9400NoneFMN

Uniden Bearcat BC125AT Handheld Scanner, 500-Alpha-Tagged Channels,...
Uniden BC355N 300-Channel Base/Mobile Scanner, Close Call Capture,...
Uniden BCD436HP HomePatrol Series Digital Handheld Scanner....
Tram 1410 200-Watt Broad-Band Scanner 25 MHz to 1,300 MHz Super...
Uniden Bearcat BC125AT Handheld Scanner, 500-Alpha-Tagged Channels,...
Uniden BC355N 300-Channel Base/Mobile Scanner, Close Call Capture,...
Uniden BCD436HP HomePatrol Series Digital Handheld Scanner....
Tram 1410 200-Watt Broad-Band Scanner 25 MHz to 1,300 MHz Super...
Uniden Bearcat BC125AT Handheld Scanner, 500-Alpha-Tagged Channels,...
Uniden Bearcat BC125AT Handheld Scanner, 500-Alpha-Tagged Channels,...
Uniden BC355N 300-Channel Base/Mobile Scanner, Close Call Capture,...
Uniden BC355N 300-Channel Base/Mobile Scanner, Close Call Capture,...
Uniden BCD436HP HomePatrol Series Digital Handheld Scanner....
Uniden BCD436HP HomePatrol Series Digital Handheld Scanner....
Tram 1410 200-Watt Broad-Band Scanner 25 MHz to 1,300 MHz Super...
Tram 1410 200-Watt Broad-Band Scanner 25 MHz to 1,300 MHz Super...

If you find something incorrect, have an update, or if there is something you would like to see added to the site, drop me a line here. I like to keep things as up-to-date and as accurate as possible. Thank you! - Lucas / W6AER

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